Minding Her Own Business

Walking In With A Billionaire Confidence with Jacqueline Relke

Victoria Episode 6

Welcome back Minding Her Own Business! This week I’m inviting Jacqueline Relke to the podcast! Jacqueline is the founder and CEO of JW Consulting and is also the visionary behind revolutionary platforms like Million Dollar Ventures, Million Dollar MBA and Millions Dollar Workspace. She teaches female founders how to play the game like they own it, giving them the power of a CEO and the confidence of a billionaire, which is exactly why I wanted to have her as a guest to share that wealth of knowledge with us! If you’ve ever felt intimidated as a female founder, especially in a male dominated industry, let this be your boost of confidence and remind you how you can show up proudly!

In this episode you will hear:
• What is the capitalization gap and why is it important for us to know about it.
• Perception bias and where this translates in the workplace.
• How to find that balance of female confidence when facing a room full of men.
• Learning how to take control of your boundaries and show up in the capacity you are currently at.
• How to discover what your non-negotiables are surrounding self care and what lights you up.
•Leaning into your intuition and not trusting the highlight reel you see on social media.

Want to be a show guest in the future? Send an email to victoriammariscal@gmail.com and kindly leave a 5 star rating or review of this podcast if you enjoyed this episode!

Jacqueline’s Instagram: @lilrelks https://www.instagram.com/lilrelks
Million Dollar Ventures Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarventures
Jacqueline’s email: jac@jwmethod.com
JW Method Consulting Website: https://thejwmethod.com/  

Let's Connect!
Website: https://www.victoriamariscal.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevictoriamariscal/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-m-mariscal/

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